Thursday, July 8, 2010

What To Do When The Stress Hits The Fan?? Sew!

Wow! Two posts in one day?!?! So this is what can happen when I feel better and I don't take a nap! Haha!

Look out folks! I have my first pair of pinking shears...and I know how to use them!

Summer time always puts me in the "project" frame of mind. Recently I dove in headfirst and brought my sewing machine with me.

Some friends of mine have been making pillowcase dresses and I wanted to try my hand at it...especially while little bugs is still small enough to wear one!

So this is my first pillowcase dress!!

I used the instructions found on this wonderfully creative blog I visit frequently. I couldn't get past the fact that every time I looked at it, I could see nothing more than a pillowcase. Soooo...I did a search for video tutorials on youtube on how to make bows and taught myself kind of quick to add these cute little green bows on her dress. Here's the before and after pictures.

I'm diggin' it a little more now with the bows. And here's a funny outtake of Bugs flexin' her muscles. I gotta give it to her...she's got some guns for as scrappy as she is!

Well, so that was my first sewing project, and now that I know I can actually produce something that is wearable...I'm on to new sewing projects!! No more dresses made from pillowcases, but I do plan on making a few more dresses for the other cutie pies in my life. Here are some of the fabrics I chose...
CANNOT wait to get this^^ dress made! I LOVE this fabric! The one below is for a halter top my mom wants me to make for little Bugs. Should be cute!

And I haven't figured out what I'm going to do with this fabric below but I fell in love with the pattern and the animals. I'm gonna thump the 'ole noggin and come up with something crafty and creative to do with this one!

So apparently when I get stressed out, the best thing for me is to put my hands to work on something fun and let my mind zone out for a while. And sewing does just that for me!

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