Thursday, November 27, 2008

Oh So Thankful

Well, it has been quite a while since I've last written, mainly because the Lord has been stirring my soul with so many things (and showing me my sin) and I've been too overwhelmed to write about it. Perhaps sometime soon, as I process a bit more, I can blog on some of the places my mind and heart has been lately.

So with today being Thanksgiving - for two more hours anyway - I thought it would be appropriate for me to list some of the things I am thankful for in this current season of my life. (I'm a list kinda gal so this is quite exciting for me : )

1. The Lord loves me enough to show me my sin and bring me to repentance, granting me forgiveness and hope in Christ.

2. A wonderful loving, supportive and fun family!

3. Amazing friends who point me to Christ, sharpen and encourage me.

4. Two beautiful nieces who bring me such joy!

5. Sunsets.

6. Health.

7. Heat that keeps me warm and a roof over my head.

8. A reliable vehicle that gets me where I need to go.

9. A church to worship at!

10. Music that aids me in worship.

11. The education I've received.

12. Friends who truly love me.

13. My mom

14. My two little pooches.

15. A warm bed to sleep in tonight and plenty of food to fill my belly.

So that's just a few of the things I'm thankful for - there are many many more but I'll stop here. And now for my picture for the day. I was having a string of hard days not long ago and on my drive home the Lord blessed me with an amazing sight. It was the most beautiful sunset I've seen in a while. So I drove further into the country to take a few pictures. Enjoy : )

May the Lord reveal even more of Himself to our hearts.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Those Mighty Milestones!

This week has been one of the busiest ones I've had in quite a while. Since my brother and sister-in-law are out of town this week, my mom and I are taking care of the girls, getting them to school, dance and girl scouts. Mom still isn't doing well after her surgery, and I've gone with her to either a doctor's appointment or medical test every day this week. She finishes up with a stress test in the morning. On top of it all, I've been trying to keep up with my work. Not that I'm complaining, but I seriously have a renewed respect for all moms everywhere!

But today, as I was trying to get my head together to remember everything on my mental "to-do" list I suddenly began to feel overwhelmed. Way too many things left to do and not enough time to do it all before the girls got out of school. And once they're home, there's no chance at all of me getting to my things until after homework, dinner, dishes, laundry, bath time, a bit of entertainment and finally bedtime. So what became a crazy, busy hectic day was completely made worth it in one little moment.

One of the things Lauren has to work on this week for school was learning to tie her shoes. My brother told me this morning that she was close to doing it all the way - but not quite there yet. I almost forgot during homework time (which was also cleanup time from dinner) but I saw the reminder on her homework paper, grabbed her shoes and seated her high up on the bar to see how much she knew.

She made an "eleven" with the strings, then made an "X", then a bunny ear sprouted quickly from the right side. With a little instruction and a few attempts, she nimbly stuffed the final bunny ear through the hole and learned to pull it tight. At the sight of the completed product, her little face just lit up with pride and excitement at the fact that she just tied her shoe on her own!! I couldn't resist but to take a picture (mainly to drive home to her how proud we are of her achievement!) It totally made today - and this whole week worth it!

I love little moments like that, and I'm so glad that the Lord has made me an aunt to share in such joys. I love these girls so much!!!