Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Snow? Yes please!

So for anyone who really knows me, knows that I love snow.

It's not like an "Oh Yay! It's snowing" kind of affection, it's like "how can I get my affairs in order so I can move to Alaska and surround myself with feet and feet of snow??" and "Where can I live that I can have access to groomed cross-country ski trails and tubing hills and evergreen forests that I can snowshoe thru?"

Yeah, it's bad.

But the Lord is kind to give me little snippets of time in snow country.

And this time, I got to bring my nieces along which pretty much seals the deal and makes me the coolest Aunt on US soil right now. (Sorry for all other Aunts out there reading this -- apparently I've set the bar kind of high now :-D But they are girls after my own heart -- they love the snow too!

So I've often wondered, and in my quiet time with the Lord dwelled upon snow and why I am so drawn to it, and I always come back to the simple fact of how a fresh blanket of snow makes even the most rugged and unattractive landscape overwhelmingly beautiful. Even the rusty grossness that is the yard of the construction company near my neighborhood, with it's rusted machinery and junk piles, looks amazingly peaceful and beautiful when it is laden with a thick blanket of snow.

"Come now, let us reason together," says the LORD. "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool. -- Isaiah 1:18

My mind always returns to this scripture. My sin will be washed white as snow. My sin, as wretched as it is, as wretched as I am, in Christ, by His sacrifice, is white as snow.

I am reminded of this as the harshness of tree bark is softened with snow -- a beautiful sight is a forest of trees with branches laden with snow.

And snow always makes me think of my Creator. What a neat way of watering the earth in the cold months.

I am thankful the Lord has given us a fun way of enjoying His creation in the winter months. Tomorrow I am planning on taking my nieces snowshoeing and cross-country skiing along some groomed trails. I am hoping to take in some beautiful views of snow laden trees and frozen lakes.

The Lord is so kind.


Anonymous said...

Enjoy the snow. With global warming this could be the last one...EVER!!! ;)

Amber said...

Hahaa! :)