Sunday, January 25, 2009

Ringing in 2009

I decided for the New Year, I would take a road trip. Mainly, it was my birthday gift to myself, but also it was one last hoorah before starting classes again.

1,523 miles in 4 states in 8 days!!! It was wonderful!

I started off visiting friends in Bowling Green, ringing in 2009 in Portland, Tenn., cooking up trouble in Indianapolis and then living it up in the snow in Michigan!!

I was fortunate to spend some time with my brother Jason and his girlfriend Amy who live in Indianapolis. Jason treated me to my first sushi experience -- which it turns out, I really enjoy trying different kinds of sushi, cooked and uncooked.

After partaking in the yummy goodness that was sushi at this rockin' little sushi bar named Ichiban, Jason and Amy took me to this place that had an entire hat isle!! What fun! We couldn't pass up the photo op of putting on various hats for pictures!

After a GREAT night in Indy, which included sushi, hats, laughs, Saraga (the international market) and several hours of speed scrabble, I left the next morning for Michigan, hoping to beat an ice storm that was on it's way.

I felt like a big girl, making the seven hour drive to northern Michigan from Indy. The drive actually went fast and surprisingly, as much as I LOVE to listen to music, my radio was off for the majority of the drive. It was a great time to just be still in the Lord, take in new scenery and talk to the Lord about many, many things.

I finally made it my aunt and uncle's house and was soooo incredibly excited to be there!! Little did I know the adventures that were awaiting me!!!

Now that I know I have you clinging to the edge of your seat, I'm going to make you wait to read about the adventures in Michigan!! The phenegran is kicking in and I can't hardly keep my eyes open. But praise the Lord!! the migraine is much less intense. I just pray I can sleep it off! A busy week awaits!

Grace and Peace to all who continue reading! I hope I don't bore you too much!

1 comment:

Carol said...

Not boring at all! I love the fish face/hat picture...that was classic. I hope you are feeling better so you can do the things that need to be done. Praying for you...