Thursday, October 7, 2010

Redeem The Time

I was at my sweet cousin's house in Northern Michigan last night, and taped to the windowsill above the kitchen sink was a note that read:
"The days are long
The years are short
Redeem the time"
She is a wonderful mom to five beautiful children and after I read that I thought, what a great reminder to enjoy every moment and use every moment for the glory of God! I started thinking about moms, dads, aunts, uncles, and grandparents and the godly influences we can all have on a child's life. It is so true that the years are short, they seem to pass by quickly.

This reminder also applies to every season of life, not just raising, disciplining and loving children. It applies to the college years, young married years and even years spent working a job and building a career. We must use every moment fully and to the glory of a great and mighty God.

Lord, redeem the time!

"There is always enough time, to do the will of God. For that we can never say, 'I don't have time.'"3 - Elisabeth Elliot

If God gives us something to do He will also give us the time necessary to complete the task. He will not frustrate us. Though everyone is given the same daily allotment -24 hours- God is very creative with the 1,440 minutes within.

 This morning a dear friend mentioned this very thing on her facebook status, stating:

"The Lord lovingly reminds me that it isn't about the amount of hours in a day or what we get done in a day BUT instead Whom we serve and how we love. Lord redeem the time... that it would be Your day and not ours alone!"                       -- Rhonda Phegley


 I believe the Lord is trying to tell me something here! The Lord is sovereign and it is no coincidence that this has been brought to my attention.

3. Elisabeth Elliot, Discipline: The Glad Surrender (Old Tappan, N.J.: Fleming H. Revell, 1982), p. 103

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