Saturday, October 25, 2008

Mightier than the sea!

Psalm 93:4 (English Standard Version)

4Mightier than the thunders of many waters,
mightier than the waves of the sea,
the LORD on high is mighty!

In my quiet time this morning I read this psalm and verse 4 wrapped around me and made me think of a picture I saw recently. The picture above was taken by NASA from the International Space Station and it is actually a picture of hurricane Ike. I saw this image while looking through news image galleries and just had to save it to my computer. It is now the background image on my screen. I shared with a friend recently that I would LOVE to travel to outerspace. I can't imagine beholding a view like this! What a wonder!! To take in a wide-angle view of God's creation! This image will be the closest I ever get - but still, every time I see this image, I just have to praise the Lord for his creation!! AND for His love - because on that ginormous terrestrial ball - is little tiny 'ole me and the Lord has lavished His love and His grace on my life and brought me to repentance and salvation through Christ - me. A teeny tiny speck on the timeline of eternity. Amazing!

So that's not really what I wanted to write about - but still it amazes me. So, I read Psalm 93:4, thought of this image and was reminded that through all the destruction that Hurricane Ike brought - wiping out towns completely along the coast, redefining the shoreline....God is STILL mightier than that! This verse brings me comfort because the last two days have been one crashing wave after another - honestly this whole month has been one crashing wave after another and yet He is mightier!! The Lord is on high! His hand determines the waves and drives the winds and allows them to fall where He ordains. It has been an incredible reminder to me that even in times where I feel I am going crazy because I am so overwhelmed - I am still hidden in the shadow of His wings, I can rest in the Almighty and know, I am His and I am in His sovereign will and His perfect plan.

I love that the Lord reminds me of these things when I need him most. I guess that's why he's mighty and in control : )

...and the waves mom is coughing up blood this morning, she is having such a hard time recovering from the surgery. Please, if you will, keep her tucked in your prayers.

The LORD is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation. He is my God, and I will praise him, my father's God, and I will exalt him. Exodus 15:2

1 comment:

Carol said...

That is one cool picture.