Monday, December 15, 2008

A Little Perspective For Myself...

Yes, so I think upon reading my last post that I am going to ban myself from posting anything in the midst of a full-on, old-fashioned come-apart! I apologize for the ramblings - but needed to get all the junk out of my head. Now that I feel human again, and I'm not quite as busy, I feel I can post now with sound mind.

It's so funny how I get so incredibly scatterbrained, out of sorts and overwhelmed when life gets so busy. A dear friend pointed out that it seems to be magnified when we aren't getting the sleep we need. And that was last week to a tee for me.

But upon reflection, I see now that my focus and perspective has been off. I had been so focused on the jobs and responsibilities that laid before me, that I failed to keep my mind and focus on the Lord.

So I've chosen to make this post an interactive one. For those of you who follow my ramblings, how do you make time for the Lord and keep your focus on Him in times when family, responsibilities, careers and life in general pull you in different directions?

What scripture brings you the most joy and comfort in the midst of an overwhelming "to do" list?

Surely I'm not the only one with this struggle. And my thoughts today are on the fact that as a single woman, I don't even have nearly the responsibility that many of my friends do that have spouses, children, and homeschool, and even have jobs. So I know I need to get a handle on this in case the Lord has those things for me in the future.

So the pictures that I have posted today are from a recent trip to the zoo and aquarium in Cincinnatti. (If you don't like even the sight of snakes - I will warn you now to not look at the last picture! It's the third one down.) Anyway, just a bit more of God's amazing creation by an amazing creator. How can I not know in the midst of the storm that it's all going to work out??

Just when I think I've learned the lesson of trusting in the Lord, taking a deep breath and not coming-apart, the Lord shows me just how much farther I have to go.

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