Sunday, February 8, 2009

Ice Storm 2009..or as some have deemed it "The White Tornado"

It is hardly a secret just how much I truly LOVE snow! I always look forward to winter and the anticipation of snow. And if it doesn't come to me, I usually find a way to go to it in various destinations north of here.

I have been praying that the Lord would bless us (or me anway) with some snow. I wasn't however too keen on receiving nearly three inches of ice with the snow. But, on January 27th, a mere three days after my birthday, the ice fell. It fell all day long. And then the snow made it's debut amid the snapping and falling of tree limbs. I won't relive the full evening because I was not able to go to sleep until about 5 a.m. because the huge maple tree in my backyard that hangs over the house was losing the uppermost layer at a fast rate. Everytime I heard a loud pop - I just prayed and prayed quickly that it wouldn't hit the house, and then listen intently to hear where it would fall. Four limbs hit the house, one was so big and so loud that Madison jumped up and was so scared I had to just put my hands over her ears and repeatedly say "I'm here, it's okay, it's the tree losing limbs" so she could calm down. Both of the girls were with me since they had already called off school for the day.

Tree limbs covering the deck, ponds and littering the field.

Little did I know the full wrath of the storm. I was blessed and only lost power for about 9 hours but my mom and brother and sis-in-law were not so fortunate. Everyone then piled into my house and it was wonderful! I hate living alone, but cope fine, and absolutely love it when I have guests and when my house is full. So, needless to say, I was thrilled to have my family there and to be able to cook for them and do laundry and dishes for someone other than myself.

To avoid a mutiny, and to keep the girls entertained I took them sledding Thursday and Friday. Since Eric and Sara both had to work despite the weather, I got to spend some great quality time with the girls!

So, by Saturday morning, my mom's power came back on and then Sunday the electricity at Eric and Sara's was restored. Which meant one thing. I would be going home to an empty house again. I won't relay to you the depths of my sorrow, but this is where I truly show you how pathetic I am. When I got home, I grabbed my camera and started shooting. I could see evidence all over my house of the past week. Mr. Monkey peeking out from behind the liner to Lauren's coat, the toothpaste spits (as I call it) all over the faucet from little Lauren and her obsession with playing in the bathroom, the smoke detector still hanging open from when I used the oven and further scorched whatever it is on the bottom of the oven, and The Little House on the Prairie's The Long Winter on my nightstand that I began reading to the girls (I felt it was appropriate.) My absolute favorite was the refrigerator. After I left to go to church the girls wrote me letters thanking me for letting me stay there and that they had so much fun and they posted them all over my fridge. Lauren's note that said I was "prede" (pretty.) was an extra special touch. Oh! It just melts my heart!! I don't want to forget any of the fun we had and the memories we made.

Daisy Lou warped into recovery mode pretty quickly by going to bed early Sunday night.

I hated to see them go, but I know it couldn't have been easy on everyone being removed from their homes and operating out of a suitcase and a small house. But I'm so thankful for my family and so thankful for being snowed in with them.

Another positive note is my poor tree in the back. I have been so worried about it these past few years and really wanting to have it thinned out - it has grown to be so huge. The Lord thinned it out for me in just one ice storm! : ) I lost nearly half the tree and almost the whole top of it. I look forward to some good bonfires soon!

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