Sunday, May 24, 2009

Fun Summer Photos

Yesterday was such a blessing. Aside from spending time with a longtime friend and doing family portraits for her, I was also privileged to meet three other families and do their portrait sessions also.

I just love that the Lord has blessed me with an ability that allows me to meet new families, get to know them, laugh with them, play with their children while taking photos...all while doing something that I love.

Although photography isn't everything in life, I truly enjoy it. The best part is knowing that I'm providing wonderful memories for moms, dads, grandmas and grandpas for years to come on how their little ones crinkled their nose, or can manage to find dirt anywhere or just how incredibly precious their smile is. All such wonderful things that photographs help us to remember. And the Lord allows me to do this.

I once heard a photographer say, "When I shoot a portrait of someone, I am photographing the very face of God." As we are all created "In His image," I see such wonderful attributes of a Heavenly Father. Love in a mother's eyes as she looks down at her baby. Wonder in a toddler at the sight of bubbles or blowing on dandelions. Joy in the laughter of siblings.

Such sweet moments.

So that was my Saturday. A wonderfully full day of sharing in the moments of the lives of new friends as well as old. And being reminded again how incredibly blessed I am.


And speaking of blessings, I just can't end this post without sharing the Lord's wonderful provision in my life.

Life seems to be happening a lot around here. Whether it's an oven that quits working, Desperately needing new ductwork in the attic, being too busy to get certain things done and still not having enough time to get together with friends that long for fellowship or the sudden need of dental work that wasn't planned on in the budget. All of these things (and then some) just keep happening, but in the midst of it, I know, God will provide.

Faced with the temptation to throw my hands up in the air, I know all I can do is trust. The Lord has taught me that He is my provider. My protector, my Rock. If I can trust Him with my soul, I can surely trust him to provide the means to pay for a root canal!! Not knowing how I was going to pay for the whole procedure, along with a crown on one of my molars, I trusted. I was able to pay half of the root canal and set it up to pay the other half within the next few weeks.

And the Lord was just waiting to show me his love for me.

In just a matter of four hours, he provided me the full amount to pay for the other half of the root canal....and then some! A good portion of the crown I have to get next month is also taken care of by His own hand. He has provided a wonderful and bountiful increase in my work to show me that I am His.

I typically don't like to share about finances or deeply personal things on here, but I felt compelled because I know I am not the only one to struggle when life happens. And I honestly can't say I struggle as much as others I know.

These days there are so many things that are uncertain - jobs, banks, the economy overall. But there is one thing that is certain and that is Christ and His redemption for those who are called to know Him and who call upon His name. I cannot imagine how life would be if I truly had to do it on my own; without knowing I can rest in Him and take hope in Him alone. It doesn't mean that times won't be tough. Banks still fail, jobs still are lost, loved ones die, friends walk away, the doctor gives an unwanted diagnosis - it's not always an easy road. But there is Hope of a life - an eternal life filled with the joy of knowing an infinite Father.

And what a joy that is! That even He would be mindful enough to provide me with dental work to alleviate a tiny tooth ache.


Carol said...

LOVED that post Amber! I love you sister. We really need to make another ice cream run sometime!

Amber said...

Count me in!!! Perhaps next week. I'm really going to need it by then I believe : ) I'm glad you liked my post and I love you too!