Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A sweet little picture

Oh the joys and memories of childhood that flooded my mind today! The last day of school! Such a joyous photo assignment. Joy pouring forth from the faces and mouths of children and teachers alike!

I could smell that distinct school bus smell and remember all too well the flitters in my stomach as my young mind would think forward to all the wondrous events that a summer could hold! Sleeping in, running barefoot outside, eating lunch in the yard with neighborhood friends, catching lightening bugs, playing flashlight tag, camping out in the backyard with my brothers and later on with girlfriends, popsicles galore, lazer tag in the field, sleepovers with hours of girltalk, riding our bikes to town (unbeknownst to the adults) and chasing frogs on the banks Canoe Creek.

Life was good.

Life is still good!

As even though seeing all those little hands waving to their teachers brought back all these memories, in one form or another, I still do many of those things!

Life is good.


Christy said...

Tears of joy after reading your recent posts. Thanks!

Amber said...

Christy - there's no crying in baseball!!!! ; )

As much as I'm glad you got out of town for vacation - I'm going to be selfish and let you know I'm glad you're back home! : )