Friday, July 24, 2009

Alaska Parte Uno

On the flight home from a mission trip to Malaysia in 2003, we flew over Alaska, and the picture above was my first-ever, real-life glimpse of Alaska. It just so happened that the sun was rising over the mountains and as I sat next to the window in the 'hallway' of the airplane I just cried. Yeah, yeah, I know I'm a softie, but what got me was the beauty of God's creation. The fact that His own hand formed and fashioned those mountains and He set into motion the heavens and told the sun when to rise and fall - what a MIGHTY God He is!

So as I sat there, at that very moment was when I determined that I must, must, must see and visit Alaska at some point in my life.

Little did I know, that a mere six years later He would grant me that opportunity! Not only to visit a state I longed to see but also to visit and spend some wonderful time with my childhood friend Rebecca and her family and friends. A double blessing!

So I have now been able to add another Alaskan sunrise picture to my collection -- lets hope it becomes a trend! : ) The first picture has been one of my all-time favorite pictures I have taken and it's neat to have a sequel.
I loved seeing the reflection of the sunlight in the river below. Such a sight to see from so high!!

Becca took me to her neighbor's cabin and all I could think was that I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY want a cabin of my own now!! Not that I'm quite the expert hunter to bring home the array of animals he has hanging all over the place but it was really a place I could see myself curling up with some hot cocoa and watching the snow fall.

And then we made our way to Pioneer Park where the Golden Days festival is now in full swing.

"What is that???" You might ask? ^^^ Lunch! Caribou Polish sausage to be exact. And boy was it good!

Becca's daughters wanted their picture with me so I got all gussied up in my parka and hauled the dog sled out. : ) Above is me with Kayla and below is me with Alisha. Such sweet and beautiful girls!! (I guess I'll include myself in that description too!! Hehee!)

And then Becca laid out a challenge. Me - the NEGATIVE 40 degree chamber - and 10 minutes. Could it be done??

Seeing as I was wearing capri pants, chaco sandels and a short-sleeved shirt, I wasn't quite fully prepared but I took the challenge anyway. And it was quite fun! They did provide a parka, gloves and boots though. My strategy was to fill the time with taking pictures and doing a video inside. Short story long, my bare legs were turning splotchy and a few minutes (best I could judge) after my five-minute warning I got a bit concerned as my legs were very very splotchy and hard to the touch, so I decided after three times of talking myself into staying in a bit longer that I should just get out. I wasn't sure if Becca would let me know when my time was up or not and felt that surely it had been ten minutes! I was ONE minute short!!

Had I have had jeans on, it would have been no problem at all. ^^^Sassy look Huh?? Winter boots and capris. I don't think I'll be the pioneer of any winter fashion trends any time soon : )

So this is all for the first installment of me and our adventures in Alaska.

Up next: North Pole Alaska and Santa Claus' house. White water rafting in Denali. A river cruise to somewhere (I really should ask a few more questions!) and hiking perhaps at some point. Oh! And the bathtub races at the Golden Days Festival and perhaps a meeting with none other than Gov./soon to be Former Gov. Sarah Palin who will be at the festival this Sunday!!! My goal is to have a picture taken with her. If not, then atleast a picture from afar. But the Lt. Gov. will be sworn in that day at the festival at 3:00 so I'm sure it will be media galore!! Anyway, I'm off to bed and can't wait to update with the Part Dos of my journey!

Grace and peace dear friends!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Loved the update. So happy for you.