Saturday, September 5, 2009

A Change In The Air

Fall changes are coming to a front door near you!

This weather, and added stress are making me antsy to do something crafty. For me, there are few things I find truly relaxing where my overstimulated, always thinking brain can slow down and focus on just one thing. One of those things is crafting something or making a change.

So, now that the weather is turning (much to the shagrin of those who just can't get enough of summer) my thoughts have turned towards mums and fall colors! So, I figured I would post a picture of the summer wreath I made (nothing more than shoving four colors of different types of flowers in a grapevine wreath) along with the setup of geraniums and the ferns. Mainly so I can look back for next summer as a reference point for setting it all up again!

So here you go, my bright colors that I have enjoyed this summer.

And when I decide what kind of crafty thing I do, I'll be sure to post it to maybe pass along any ideas.


Christy said...

Oh my- what talent- what beauty- praise the Lord- (even though my eyes hurt just a bit from the brightness of the yellow- hee hee)

Amber said...

And that wasn't even photographed in direct sunlight! : ) It is bright, but it sure is nice to come home to every day.