Thursday, September 3, 2009

Sad Conclusions In Life

I came to a very sad, disturbing and upsetting conclusion this morning.

It is a very sad day when one considers the idea of spontaneously shaving their legs as a "nice treat to one's self."


Perhaps life will slow down sometime...anytime soon. ??

As for the rest of the day, I already skipped my Dev. Psych class to study for my first A&P II exam, which happens to be a make-up exam (thank you migraine.) But I've resigned myself to the fact that I will indeed fail this first test (and no, I'm not just being dramatic) as I have no idea which hormones are released by humoral, hormonal or neural stimuli or which of the 800 (here I'm being dramatic) belong to the adenohypophysis compared to the neurohypophysis. Pray I never end up treating a patient whose problem lies in the endocrine system!

But, the highlight of the day will be meeting with my editor in 40 minutes to discuss, edit, and hopefully complete the next issue of the business magazine. Cannot wait to get that monkey off my back...until the next issue anyway.

And as for this idea has floated around in my head....and I hope to be able to write about it soon....

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