Friday, September 4, 2009

The End Of A Day...Uhm..Well Week For That Matter

Today has been a very long but wonderful day!

After yet another four hour nursing class, Not only am I now officially "skilled" in changing the bed linens of an occupied hospital bed, I am also educated now on how to give appropriate oral/denture care without causing the patient to aspirate. Yep, that's right mom, when you're feeble and frail and can no longer pack away your dentures for the night (providing you end up with dentures) I'm the one for the job!! : ) So rest your gums and know you'll still keep those pearly whites, pearly whilst I'm on the watch.

Aside from losing circulation in my lower extremities during the long class, I also enjoyed a fantastic morning with a favorite client of mine! Why is she my favorite you ask?? Because she is just such a joy to spend time with!! Plus, I get to photograph all the beautiful homes that she has worked on as she is one PHENOMENAL interior designer!!

Here's the link to her website Working-Bergen Interiors (and to some of my interior photography!)

So go ahead...go check out her beautiful work and then call her up and let her know you've got a house for her to come and work her magic on!

I hope you all (however few of you actually frequent and read my ramblings) have a wonderful long and enjoyable holiday weekend!!

1 comment:

Christy said...

Wow- after learning what nurses have to do, I think I would stick with taking pictures of beautiful interiors. Nurses deserve much thanks!!!