Saturday, March 14, 2009

Amber....plugged in

Well, last night, after babysitting, spending three hours in Gatti-town, having way more fun than should be allowed for a gal my age and then visiting with my brother and his girlfriend who are in for the weekend, I finally ventured home. Only, I decided to make a pit-stop that would alter the course of my night - unbeknownst to me. I stopped at McDonald's for a large-good-'ole-filled-to-the-brim-styrofoam-insulated cup of sweet tea.

Now one major thing should have happened. Red flags should have raised, bells should have gone off, sirens should have blared and a red light, somewhere in time should have flashed warning me NOT to partake of such yummy thirst-quenching goodness at 12:15 in the morning. If I haven't revealed it on here yet, allow me to divulge that if an ounce of caffeine gets near me, much less in me, I'm wired. Not just wired, but if given the proper conditions and the right brain cells align, I could solve some of the worlds most challenging math equations or paint huge murals of the process of mitosis or plan the next flight path for the space shuttle upon re-entry. I am plugged in.

And that's exactly what happened in the wee hours of this Saturday morning. I got home, got settled and yet my mind was racing a million miles a minute. I took advantage of the extra umph of energy and cleaned a bit but then put my mind and computer to some design projects I've wanted to do for a while. I wanted a series of four prints to hang in my bedroom that featured a line from some of my favorite hymns. It seems my best creative moments are found in the darkness of the wee morning. Perhaps I should consume more sweet tea in the late hours to get more of the projects on my list accomplished!

Anyway, here are two of the four I have finished so far.

I have a few ideas for the remaining two, but I think some new photography is in order. I haven't been shooting as much since I've been back in school and I really miss it. I worked for the newspaper this morning and covered what I consider to be a fun assignment. It was the dress rehearsal for an elementary school performance of Annie Jr. (Jr. because it's a condensed version). The kids were so cute and so incredibly talented to stay in character and not just say their lines but act along with them. They were part of the drama club from an elem. school and they were so good! Anyway, I plan to post some of the pictures from that shoot because I haven't had many news pictures to post lately.

So when I finish the last two in my four-part series, I will be sure to post them. I pray you are having a fantastic day and thanks for reading my posts : )

Grace, Peace and Sweet Tea!


Carol said...

Amber, Amber...what ARE we going to do with you??? You are hilarious. Unfortunately, when I can't sleep because of caffeine, all I can do is lie there and miserably wish I could sleep!!!

Amber said...

Oh, I did that for a while but knew that it would be a long boring bout with insomnia so I decided to be productive : )

Christy said...

I absolutley LOVE the prints!!! Beautiful, fabulous- are the for sale?? AND, I LOVE the cottage blog- it has gotten my jealous juices flowing. . .

Amber said...

That's not good to get the jealous juices flowing! : ) I know how it is though, I fight it all the time! Especially when I want the house together and decorated and finished NOW!

But patience is a virtue and the budget is a reality! And in the end, it doesn't really matter anyway!

I'm glad you like the prints, I haven't thought about selling them, but I could if you really wanted one! : )