Thursday, March 19, 2009

Spring is in the air!

I felt compelled to write since tomorrow is the first day of Spring. (!!!) I adore this time of year, nothing energizes me more to clean and "play" (which really means work to some) in the yard than warmer temperatures, singing birds, flowers peeping through the mulch and leaves and the smell of freshly cut grass! I think I love being outside, immersed in nature because that is when I feel the closest to God. Seeing, smelling, touching, moving, and playing in His creation. It makes me long to go camping, and wish that I was brave enough to go by myself, but that will never happen! I adore Winter, everything about it, the snow, being bundled up, winter sports and snuggly nights with cocoa, but I'm ready for Spring. I can't wait to have cookouts again, to have my nieces over and cook hotdogs over a campfire in the field, and have a yard brimming over with beautiful flowers!

So this week has been my spring break week, and it has been a wonderful one! I've gotten to visit several friends, and grew closer to some new friends that I just adore! Today, coming near the end of the week I find that my spirit is very quiet. I feel the Lord is drawing me near to Him so that I can rest in just who He is. I have been overwhelmed, very overwhelmed with His goodness and provision not just in the past few days but over this past year. I guess that's why I'm in a quiet place right now, just reflecting on His goodness. I'm thankful for times like this - and especially today because for so long after I moved back to Henderson my life felt so chaotic. Running, running, running. This year I've been more intentional in slowing down and I wish I would have done that long ago!

Well, so I've been rambling. Just a few of my thoughts from today, a quiet, introspective, reflective and beautiful day filled with nothing but thoughts of the Lord and quiet intercession.

I'm thankful for such days! And even more thankful for the renewing of life that is taking place as the temperatures warm and the trees, flowers, grass and wildlife come back to life.

God is so good!


Amy said...

Great Post! Whenever you get the urge to go camping (on weekends though...), just call Jason & I. There are fun places in the Brown County area we could go (Deam Wilderness, Brown County State Park, Hoosier National Forest, Yellowwood), or we could meet up somewhere else too...We're always up for camping if someone puts the bug in our ears. I hope you're having a good day!

Amber said...

Sounds good to me! I think we'll need a trip this summer, especially with Madison - she's just itching to go camping somewhere and would absolutely LOVE to go camping with you and her Uncle Jason!! : )